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WWE 2K22 Game Review. Latest Game Review


                         WWE 2K22 GAME REVIEW 



And we're back with another episode of Before You Buy, the show where we give you

Some straight up gameplay and our first impressions of

The latest games releasing. Today, we're taking a

Quick look at "WWE 2K22." Now, we've been covering these

games for quite a while now. And last year, the yearly franchise

actually took a year off. This newer style of 2K

wrestling game was never perfect but it felt like it was

seriously starting to drop off,         


With the quality and the amount of content kind of roller coastering

with each release. "2K20" was really rough. Thankfully, it seems

like taking a year off did them some good because

this one is much more solid. It's not perfect, but

it's on its way back. It also has a lot of micro transactions. So, yeah, let's just dive in. At

the base level, the real meat, you know, the gameplay, this is where the game is much

stronger. Just base level wrestling

matches are so fun to play now,


Where previous games leaned hard into realistic technical simulation, in some

aspects of the gameplay, it wasn't always fun. Now, it takes some of those concepts

and makes it faster and more engaging. Grappling is more

simplified and less awkward, reversals are still in the same way, but striking is vastly

improved, with cool combos and the

ability to chain those into insane over the top grapples. Most of those annoying

submission mini games


And like weird little extra things you gotta worry about on the HUD, by your health bar,

all that stuff is gone, which is great because I did not like a

lot of that stuff at all, and it just works to keep matches still very much like push

and pull and give and take, but way more entertaining to execute. I wouldn't say it's

dumbed down, but slightly streamlined

and a better balance of the technicalness




And just good old arcade style brawling. There's still a level of mastery required, but

it's much easier to just jump in and get doing cool shit. To me, it feels like the best

playing modern WWE 2K game. You know, that might not be

saying much for some people but I found it just way

more straight up fun compared to other reason games. It's still not perfect. Some

aspects like positioning

stuff can be frustrating. (floor thudding) (crowd cheering)


(wrestler groaning) There's some clipping sometimes with some weird glitchiness,

but, overall, the raw gameplay

is the best part of the game. Then of course, there's all the modes, all the content.

Now, we don't have time to

get into all them too deeply but it's notable to point

out that GM Mode is back in. It's called My GM. It's been a while. This lets you kind of


out a whole WWE campaign by picking a character,


Forming a roster, organizing fights and lineups

and rivalries and marketing. And it might be cool if

you're a big wrestling nerd. I don't know how much depth

it really has for longevity, but it's there if you want it. Then there's also Showcase

Mode. This time around, it's focusing on the

complete career history of Rey Mysterio. Now, I love these modes. I really love the


Cold one a few years back. Showcase Mode is like

a sequence of matches


Based on real matches

throughout wrestling history that are broken up with

documentary style clips with Rey Mysterio actually

narrating the whole thing and talking you through his career. The way it flips between

gameplay and classic wrestling footage, just straight up, for me, never gets old. And

the curated matches are fun. The only problem is

that, this time around, it really, really focuses on like wanting you to

do exact specific moves and positions to progress,


And it kind of breaks the

flow a little bit sometimes because sometimes that stuff is tricky or finicky to pull off.

But, still, the Showcase Mode, even just as a concept, continues to be pretty

awesome for me, personally. I've kind of found myself like, even with a lot of these

games having problems, always just looking forward to seeing who they're gonna


in the next showcase mode. Also, My Rise is here again as kind of like a career

progression story mode


With cut scenes and decisions to make, a morality system and customization, and it's

way less cringeworthy

than it has been in the past, but, you know, it's still not great. There are now separate

career paths for both male and female fighters, which is really cool, and the character


is once again here to make whatever weird character you want. It's not quite as deep

as I was hoping, and loading in the

items takes way too long and kills the fun a little bit, but, yeah.


Still, the ability to

create a bunch of stuff, more than just your character, is nice. You can spend a lot of

time in all that. And, once again, if you're into it, it's mostly worth it. Now, that My Rise


itself, like I said, is really for die hard WWE

fans who just love the whole, I don't know, corporation or whatever, but it's really ugly

to look at. The voice acting is okay, thankfully, but characters are awkward and glitchy,

and sometimes, it's just painful.


And that's a shame

because most of the time, like, in just regular old matches, the visuals are pretty

decent. You know, in certain lighting, it can still look a little off but, mostly, characters

sweat, they get bruised, they have muscle definition and some really good animations,

and, yeah, every so often, characters like will float

a little bit off the ground or clip,


But most of the time, there are some really

impressive moves going off and seamlessly chaining together, all while the camera


will like sometimes shift from more cinematic views. The presentation is simple and

good and technically wise, even if it's got some

bumps here and there, it's not a complete disaster

like previous games. Then there's My Faction mode, which is kind of like

an NBA 2K My Team mode, I think, it's called,


Or like FIFA Ultimate Team Mode. So yeah, that's what you need to know. It's basically

micro transaction mode. This stuff, straight up,

does not appeal to me at all. Like, it just wants

you to spend more money and I'm not really

interested in that at all. Micro transactions here and like some wrestlers being able to

be unlocked in a store, just really sours the taste here, man. I thought we were getting

better about this stuff but I guess not, at least not for 2K.


This makes the game feel like

kind of a step backwards. And it's a shame because they finally figured

out that core gameplay and made it actually fun. So I do think "WWE 2K22" does go

beyond being another just yearly release. They took feedback and made

a significantly better game but it still has more to go. The micro transactions are not

good. And as much as there's a bunch of modes and the ability to create your own

stuff, your mileage with each

individual mode or thing


Will vary depending on what

type of player you are. If they keep going from here, it can only get better, but will it

ever reach the heights of those awesome THQ games? You know, all those awesome

wrestling games from N64 up to like PlayStation 2? I don't know. That is of course me

as an older school fan with different wants and expectations. I think there's a lot of

different types of people that enjoy wrestling


And probably want different

things out of the games. So this is how a Before You Buy works, we give you some

pros, some cons, and some personal opinion. Now, that you know about the game, we

wanna hear from you in the comments. Like, what are you thinking? Did you jump in?

Have you been burned too

many times by WWE 2K games and you're still holding off? I totally understand

where you're coming from. There has been some rough

ones in the last few years.


If you have jumped into this one, do you think it's done enough to really kind of win you

Back over as a customer, as a fan,

As a player, whatever? Are you okay with the micro transactions or do you dislike them

as much as we do? Let's talk about anything

WWE 2K down in the comments. We'd love to hear your favorite of the 2K franchises,

Really anything. So let us know. - [Commentator] Look at this, roll up. On a...


- [Commentator] The structure

is intimidating as the hell... - [Commentator] Waiting for him to make... (floor thudding)

(crowd cheering) - [Jake] If this video helped you out, maybe gave you some

information, got to see some gameplay, this was all running on PS5. If you

appreciated any of that, clicking the like button

is all you gotta do, it very much helps us out. But if you're new, consider subscribing



And maybe hitting that notification bell because we've put out

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