Cyberpunk 2077 Game Review After Cyberpunk 2077: 1 YEAR LATER
Cyberpunk 2077: 1 YEAR LATER
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Cyberpunk 2077 by |
The "Cyberpunk 2077"
has been out for a year now. Yes, an entire year. Doesn't it feel like it's
been at least two years? I don't know. Time is a hell of a thing. Anyway, like a lot of
other internet game-talking YouTube channels and websites, we're gonna take a fresh look at it and talk about what has
changed in the last year. Obviously, the developer, CD Projekt Red, have promised to put in a lot of work
After the launch
controversy, so we're here. We've got fresh footage of the game running on multiple
platforms so you can see, so let's just dive in. Now, first, just a quick recap. In our "Before You Buy"
video of "Cyberpunk 2077," our overall review was
basically, cool world, cool vibe, a decent game underneath there with some undercooked RPG parts, and it was all just kind of under a layer of unacceptable bugs, glitches, and poor-performing versions of the game
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Cyberpunk 2077 Bug by |
"Cyberpunk" is technically
in better shape. Is the game improved overall? And I'm not quite sure there. It's still weak in a lot of areas, but it's very clear that the last year has been CD Projekt Red
essentially playing catch-up, using resources to get the game into a more sound technical state. That's great. The product is seemingly more solid. The PC version was a hog
that needed some fixes, and the console versions
needed a lot of work,
And now at least while
playing around for a bit, they seem better overall. The base versions of the game, on base PS4 and original Xbox One, we still just really don't recommend. If it's your only option at
this point, if you waited, I'd say, just keep waiting
until you get your hands on a new machine. They're not as terrible or broken. They have seemingly been
improved a little bit, but they still don't seem great. The frame rate is still pretty oof.
And when you mix it with
the generally muddy quality, even those of us who can
deal with lower frame rates, this is still just a bit too much. And unfortunately, on this version, you still have a lot of pop-in, like really noticeable
pop-in and long load times. Now, on the rest of the platforms, it is way more playable and
it looks pretty decent, too. The PC version is now a bit more refined and just requires less
fiddling with settings. Along with the technical stuff, there is some noticeable
quality-of-life improvements
Or game improvements that really are just
small little improvements to how it plays and how it feels. Specifically, the map and the
map pathing has been improved. Overall, you get spammed way less with the messages and
the phone call stuff. There's not as much clutter
with all that nonsense. The cop-spawning thing
is still kind of messy, but it's a little better. Really, once it's good, the
same then is the same now. It can be a pretty good-looking game, and it's just fun to explore the world,
Because they got the music,
the atmosphere and the visuals and the whole cyberpunk
aesthetic so right. I mean, if you're looking
for a little escapism there, we still think that's where
the game does it best. There are definitely
still some weird glitches here and there, but it seems
like reports are slowing down in terms of the devastating,
over-the-top ones. Just with our personal experience, though, it's been mostly okay, a few bad instances here and there, but nowhere near as widespread
as the game on launch. You might think like,
hey, they've had a year.
Why isn't this game 1,000% perfect yet? I don't know. I don't think it's a big ask, but I also don't have a crystal ball. CD Projekt Red has been quite busy here, considering they're also
probably working on another game or at least a portion of the company is, and they've also had
some leadership changes and they're dealing with
shareholder lawsuits and being in the news and
all that types of stuff. All of the updates here released have been pretty intensely focused
On cutting out the weird glitches, but then of course,
that begs the question, when are we getting all the other stuff? Are they gonna fix the
game up in any other ways? When are we getting that
juicy post-release content? We were hyped up with expansions, new content, a whole original roadmap. All of that roadmap has
been pretty much replaced with just technical updates and patches. All that stuff has shifted
further down the line. In terms of new content in the game, there's some clothing and
some quest options, I think.
Patch 1.3 brought that, and
that's really it right now. Now, Patch 1.4 is
seemingly on the horizon, and 1.5 is also an update
slated for early 2022. It seems like early 2022 is
gonna be a busy time period for "Cyberpunk." But with some of the bugs
finally getting ironed out, it's showing that for us, at its core, it's still a good, not great game. The story can be pretty cool,
the gameplay pretty fun, and of course, the Night City
atmosphere that I mentioned, yes, but it's not the most satisfying RPG it could have been,
And we'd like to see
improvements in that regard. That's a tall order there. Some of that might boil down to substantially changing the game. How do you substantially change the rules? Still, there's some realistic stuff we'd love to see added in, and some of this is rumored stuff that the game is actually
going to receive, thanks to a video from Tyler McVicker: a transmog system for your loot, New Game Plus, a lot more
significant NPC upgrades,
Deeper faction stuff. Side note: in terms of
things that we want, this is more demanding, but we'd also love to see more Jackie. He was criminally
underutilized in the game, set up as a cool character, and then, I'm not really spoiling anything, but he was killed off
right in the beginning. Now, we'd love to see,
and this is a big ask, see an overhaul of the whole
life path origin system and more Jackie with that, especially after CD Projekt
Red recently went on record
Saying they didn't know
what to do with him and just kind of, yeah. There's potential to do that type of stuff with content expansions, which again, CD Projekt Red insists is still coming. Last spring, I believe, CD Projekt Red publicly
pretty much canceled their "Cyberpunk" online spinoff project, so hopefully, they're just focusing on just adding cool new stuff to the game. We're hoping for what we mentioned earlier and for more missions that
flesh out the world more
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Cyberpunk 2077 in Console |
Or take advantage of underused
areas or neighborhoods in the game and just flesh those out more, and hopefully, some new
abilities and cool weapons. I don't know. We're simple. We just want a better game. Also, we can't forget, there's still a next-generation version that they're working on. Believe it or not "Cyberpunk
2077," a year ago, released just as the
PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X was hitting the market, and they're still not
technically available
In those next-gen versions. Technically, you can't play PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X versions of the game. If you have those consoles,
you're just playing the previous console generation versions. Most recently, in November,
CD Projekt Red has confirmed "Cyberpunk 2077's"
next-gen version is coming first quarter 2022, along
with another big update. So them getting it out the door and running on new, shiny
next-generation consoles is great, but the game has to be
100% rock solid, too. Otherwise, what's the point?
People waiting for that next-gen version have already waited a long time, and we assume many of them
won't mind waiting longer until the game is near flawless and maybe has a few content updates, maybe like a definitive version
collection down the line or something. I don't know. There's a lot of hate
around CD Projekt Red and specifically how they
handled the launch of this game, and I think it's a big
concern with consumer rights and just how corporations
handle hype and everything
And really releasing games. We still think, at the end of the day, they built a cool Night City and the Johnny Silverhand
stuff is interesting, the atmosphere is there,
the driving feels decent, the shooting is cool, but there's
all the other BS around it that needs to be either technically fixed or updated or tweaked in some ways. So we're happy to see some
technical improvements. They may not be the sexiest
things in the world, but we think CD Projekt Red
still has quite a ways to go. It's definitely better,
And if maybe you got it
on sale at this point, you're probably having a decent time, but if you saw it day
one and you saw it now, running on your console or on your PC, you can see that there
is a difference there, but we still just want
some more, overall, really. But that's us. That's
"Cyberpunk 2077" one year later. We just wanted to take a quick dive and a little bit of an update of sorts, so you know what the deal
is and what's coming. So we want to hear from
you guys in the comments. Like I said, we have talked
to some people out there
Who got the game on sale after all the hype and drama died down, and they're digging it. After some updates in here and there, maybe some people are
really enjoying it more. Do you think it's a good enough overhaul? Do you want more? Are you like us? You really are just, at this point, bored of all the bug fixes. Yes, that's great, but
we want the sexy stuff. We want more fun stuff
to do in this world.
Or are you completely over it, never gonna touch it again, and don't want to give
CD Projekt Red a dime? Absolutely also valid. Let's talk about all this
stuff down in the comments. Let us know your thoughts
on CD Projekt Red and "Cyberpunk 2077." If you enjoyed this, though, and appreciated seeing some gameplay, some fresh gameplay of the updated game, clicking the Like
button's all you gotta do. It very much helps us
out, and we appreciate it.
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